Friday, March 16, 2012

Mode Clothing : Apocalypse Shirt

Here is the final t-shirt design that is now released and available for orders. Apocalypse Shirt from Mode Clothing.

mode clothing
The Design

T-shirt sizes

Price: Php380.00 each
For orders and inquiries,
please contact me @ +639395262763/+639321162544

Sky Lanterns For All Occassions

Want to have a perfect moment on your occasions or events? I suggest to use our cheapest Sky Lanterns ever instead of using those expensive fireworks. Our sky lanterns is different from the other sky lantern because we offer the cheapest price ever. Using sky lanterns on special events can add colors to the activity because sky lanterns is for all. It can be used during daytime or night time any time want to use it you can use it.
I’m sure that you and your whole family will really enjoy the amazing sky lanterns ever. So what are you waiting for, give me a ring now and I’ll be glad to hear all your inquiries.
Buy now for a very affordable price, also offers packages.
Here are the Packages:
Package A:
15pcs = Php2,000.00
Package B:
25pcs = Php3,000.00
Package C:
50pcs = Php5,500.00
100pcs and above = Php100.00 each
Contact me now @ +639336051932
Here’s the sample pictures of a sky lantern.
sky lanterns
sky lanterns